The Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering (AEIM) announces the 3rd AIEM Thesis Award, to the best Doctoral Thesis in Mechanical Engineering. The document III Premio TESIS AEIM.pdf collects the call and the terms and conditions.
Participation will be open to all PhD Doctors who have presented and defended a Doctoral Thesis between January 1st 2014 and June 30th 2016. Participants to the 3rd AIEM Thesis Award, must not have participated in the 2nd edition of the AEIM Thesis Award. The topic of the Thesis must be related to the Mechanical Engineering field and the Doctoral Thesis must have been granted with the “CUM LAUDE” distinction in any of the Spanish universities. The deadline for the reception of applications will finish on June 30th 2016.
Participants must prepare a single PDF file that includes the following documentation:
- Supporting documentation, issued by the academic institution where the Doctoral Thesis was defended, that states the title, author, supervisor/s, date of defense, members of the tribunal and mark assigned.
- One copy, in pdf format, of a communication related to the topic of the Thesis, submitted for acceptance to the XXI CNIM and / or proof of receipt by the organizing committee. In case that the participant has participated in a previous edition of the CNIM conference and has presented any previous communication/s related to the Thesis work, it will be possible to submit a copy of such communication/s, and clearly indicating the edition of the corresponding CNIM in which was/were presented.
- An abstract of the Thesis work, structured according to the traditional sections of a Doctoral Thesis.
- Chronological list of the merits related to the Thesis:
- Publications of the author, related to the Thesis. It should be clearly indicated the author’s relationship which each publication.
- Technology transfer to enterprises. It should be indicated if it is an improvement or a new design of a component or mechanical system, its economic impact, existence of patents, budget of the contract, and it should be located the Thesis work within the project framework and reflected its value share.
- Any other information that could be included as a merit (references done by other researchers to the Thesis work, institutional projects, etc).
- The document of Doctoral Thesis.
1) Registration of the Thesis author, by acceding to the submission application. This registration is analogue to the one done for paper submissions. If the participant has already registered, it is not necessary to do it again.
2) Once registered, it must be clicked the option “[Nuevo envío]”, located on the right side from the “Autor” profile.
3) The information required in the following sections must be completed:
– In the first tab (“Comenzar el envio”) it must be indicated the appropriate section to which the information will be submitted. In the area SECCIONES DE LA CONFERENCIA please choose the section “PREMIO TESIS DOCTORAL”, and in the area COMENTARIOS AL DIRECTOR DE LA CONFERENCIA you must complete the following information::
o Title of the Thesis work:
o Name of the supervisor/s:
o University in which the Thesis work has been done:
o Date of defense of the Doctoral Thesis:
o Mark assigned:
after completing that information, please click on the “Guardar y continuar” button.
– In the next tab (“Depositar el fichero del trabajo”), please, browse (examiner) and upload (subir) the file from your computer. After that, please click on the “Guardar y continuar” button.
– In the next tab (“Introduzca los metadatos”), it is not necessary to include any information. Please, just click on the “Guardar y continuar” button:
– Finally, in the last tab (“Confirmacion”), please finalize the submission and you will receive a confirmation of receipt email.
Please, note that the deadline for reception of documentation is June 30th 2016.